Touched by the Hand of God
Christ Episcopal Church, St.
Year A, Pentecost XIV, Season of Creation 1
Jeremiah 15:15-21, Romans 12:9-21, Matthew 16:21-28
Friday was World Day of
Prayer for Creation. It is a special day of prayer that seeks to remind us of
our responsibility as caretakers of God’s creation and to renew our right
relationship with God through creation. It was established in 1989 by Dimitrios
I, Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church.
The World Council of
Churches liked the idea very much and turned it into a movement and season, the
Season of Creation, which begins September 1 and ends October 4, the feast day
of St. Francis of Assisi.
Today, millions of
Christians of many denominations recognize and celebrate the Season of Creation
as a time of renewal of our relationship with our Creator through creation and
of our commitment together to be the worthy caretakers God calls us to be.
The movement has a
website called “Season of Creation,” and every year a large steering committee
of bishops and lay leaders devises a theme and a logo and develops a myriad of
worship resources for individuals and churches to use. We will use one this morning—a
special set of suffrages in place of the usual ones.
You might recall that I
first learned about this movement one year ago and spoke about it the first
Sunday of September from this very pulpit. And I must in fairness warn you that
for as long as you are stuck with me the first Sunday of every month, you most
likely will hear about it again when the season rolls around again!
So.. let us look at
today’s Gospel lesson through a Season of Creation lens. Notice that it begins
with Jesus summarizing his mission on Earth for his disciples. In just one
sentence—a handful of words—he goes from life to death and back to life again.
That was the path for him and it is the path for his followers. Jesus was about
life, first and finally. The passage through death, the way of the
cross, is neither beginning nor end. As he himself says in John’s Gospel, I
came to bring life and to bring it abundantly.
From a Season of Creation
perspective, what is striking about Earth is that it is teeming with life.
Cosmologically speaking, it is a speck of rock spinning through the emptiness
and darkness of space but through the miracles of atmosphere and water, it is
crawling with and blooming with life in myriad and complex forms—biodiversity
so rich and complex as to be declared “good” over and over again by its Creator
(first chapter of Genesis) and to be loved by its Creator.
So here are a few
statistics, just because I happen to know them! In 2019, I went on a wildlife
photography trip to the Osa Peninsula: one little finger of land sticking out
into the Pacific Ocean: 10,000 insect species,
700 trees, 463 birds, 140 mammals, and 25 dolphins and whales. One little
finger of land, perhaps the most biologically rich place on Earth.
But unless you live under
a rock, you also know that we are losing the richness and fullness of life on
Earth at an alarming rate. I could stand here and cite dismal statistics all
day. Instead, I’ll refer you to a wonderful book called Rescuing Biodiversity,
Johnny Armstrong, retired MD, Wafer Creek Ranch near Ruston.
And why is Earth losing
biological richness at an alarming rate? Us. That’s why. Habitat loss, Invasive
species (because we do dumb things), Pollution, Population growth (human), Overharvesting.
(E.O. Wilson: HIPPO) Note that even though “human” is named in only one of
them, we humans are responsible for all of them.
In sum, friends we are
interfering with God’s plan for abundant life to flourish on Earth. We are not
valuing, conserving, caring for what God declared to be “good.”
And that leads me to
Jesus’ dialogue with Peter. It’s about values. It’s about priorities. It’s
about where our heads are at! Which is fixed on human things, not divine
Our human minds are set
on things like… making money. Not a bad thing in itself; we all need money. But
when we look at creation through a lens of economics, rather than through God’s
lens of “good” in and of itself, we destroy, we overharvest, we fill wetlands
with dirt to build shopping malls.
Perhaps THE paradigm for
long-term destruction in exchange for short-term cash is the clear-cutting of
millions of acres of longleaf and shortleaf pine across the state of Louisiana back in the
late 1800s.
We’re still paying for
that folly. Today when I get home, one of the things I must do is write a
letter from Louisiana Master Naturalist Association in support of a project
Louisiana Dept. Wildlife and Fisheries is doing to restore longleaf pine
savannah in an area that was clear cut all those years ago.
Another human mindset
that leads to desecration of God’s sacred creation is.. convenience. We’re too
busy to wash dishes! We’re in too much of a hurry to get to the next thing to
be bothered with cleaning and refilling a water bottle.
Last week cleaning up
after Canterbury,
I needed to take home left over food, and heard myself ask for “something I
don’t have to wash and bring back…”
In other words, we
stumble, like Peter. We get caught up in the destructive cycle of instant
gratification, addicted to our busy busy life style, caught in the snare of an
economic system that allows a small minority to over-indulge while the majority
struggle to make ends meet, and nearly 800 million of our sisters and brothers
– one out of ten! – go to bed hungry every day!
Jesus calls us to
sacrifice, to generosity, to a simple life-style that values creation as “good”
in and of itself. Jesus calls us to share, and of those of us who have more, to
share more.
Care of creation is about
responsible living. It is, of course, about big decisions—like working with
other nations to reduce carbon emissions worldwide. But it is first and always
about the daily choices we each make.. about what we buy, what we drive, where
we set the thermostat, how we love our neighbor—and all of our fellow creatures
on planet earth.
End with Brothers of St. John the Evangelist:
Creation–Jesus was intimately
involved with the natural world. When he spoke of God and God’s Kingdom, he
almost always pointed to the natural world: seeds, the harvest, the
clouds, vines, weeds, sheep, fire, water, lilies, bread, wine. Walk out into
God’s wonderful creation – and be touched by the very hand of God. –Bro.
In the name of God, Father, Son
and Holy Spirit. AMEN.