Sunday, November 15, 2015

Forward Day by Day reading for November 13th

FRIDAY, November 13

Matthew 16:15 [Jesus] said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
Jesus asks the disciples a simple question, and the answer that Peter gives could readily come from the lips of any person who claims to be Christian. I wonder if Peter really understood what he was saying when he proclaimed Jesus as Messiah and Son of the Living God. For that matter, do we really understand what we are saying when we echo Peter’s confession of faith?

Imagine someone asks you to explain Jesus and what you mean when you say he is the Messiah. Where do you begin? Who do YOU say Jesus is, from the depths of your own understanding? Write it down. Keep it visible, in your car or on your coffee maker or bathroom mirror. The challenge is to let that deeply personal confession shape every aspect of our lives.

Jesus doesn’t ask me, or Peter, or any of us to confess who we believe he is for his own sake, but rather for ours—so that we can proclaim Jesus in our lives to all we meet. As for me, I say Jesus is God’s way of showing us how much God loves us—ALL of us. Who do you say he is?

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